Iconic Dressagerider for Neck Rope Riding
Alizée Froment

Alizée Froment started her equestrian career as a competitive rider, but has since transitioned to an artistic approach, demonstrating dressage exercises with only a neck rope and emphasizing trust and harmony between horse and rider.
From a Competitive to an Artistic Career
Alizée Froment started her equestrian educational journey with Shetland ponies at the age of two. As the child of two riding instructors, she grew up in a stable, and learn early on to handle horses in a relaxed and friendly way.
As a young rider, she discovered dressage and rode successfully in the pony division up to the highest classes. Since 2006 she has been competing internationally up to Grand Prix, her first start in this level being with her incredible stallion, Mistral du Coussoul.
Additionally to her numerous placings at international Grand Prix Competition, she successfully trained the National French pony dressage team. Since 2009, she has been sharing her philosophy in shows where she demonstrates that even the most technical dressage exercises can be ridden with only a neck rope.
A Philosophy Based on Partnerships
“In my eyes, dressage is the journey to perfect communication and absolute harmony between horse and rider.”
Trust and harmony when riding are the most important factors for the 1987 born horse fanatic. She has become famous for riding the Grand Prix movements with a neck rope instead of a snaffle or double bridle. “When I work with the neck rope I have all the same expectations as with a bit or bridle”. The horse should be in self-carriage with a relaxed and supple back. Controlling a horse doesn’t just come from the rider’s hands and the horse’s mouth but from the seat, the voice, the stomach and back muscles of the rider.
Alizée integrates the neck rope into her every day training with horses of all levels and she shows it is not only a way to strengthen the relationship with the horse but also a way of testing if the dressage training is progressing correctly. The former National Trainer of the French Pony Dressage Team has had many victories and placings in International Grand Prix competitions.
Courses from
Alizée Froment

Teaching Your Horse the Spanish Walk

Bitless Riding: Dressage Training Based on Trust

The Path to Trust-Based Liberty Training